Selected Biography
Tann, Arthur Wiseman – Born: Norwich, Norfolk on 2.10.1886.[1] Parents: Ransome Bransby Tann (Upholsterer) and Hannah [née Sayer]. Home: 49 Esdelle Street, Norwich (1891), 45 Adam and Eve Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire (1901), Police Station, Hall Street, Long Melford (1911), Police Station, Lawshall, Suffolk [1914 to 1915[2]], Oxford Terrace, Exning, Cambridgeshire (1921). Occupation: Errand Boy (1901), Police Constable in Long Melford (1911), Police Constable in Exning (1921). Married: Ruth Mealham Hazell in 1910. Service Record: Arthur was conscripted on 10.12.1915 as Gnr.172177 with 155th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery. He was probably posted to the Western Front when his unit was sent to the Ypres sector in August 1916, as part of the British Second Army. He was issued with a Silver War Badge and discharged in February 1919.[3] Died: Romford, Essex in 1939.
Notes – [1] Date of birth from Admission Register 1.10.1895, Angel Road Boys School, Norwich. [2] Address taken from the Electoral Roll for Lawshall. [3] For details of 155th Siege Battery’s movements see War Diary [WO 95/318/6]. See also his Service Medal and Award Rolls, First World War, Silver War Badge [WO 329] record [ref: B166349], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].
Genealogical Table