A village with a big story
Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
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Selected Biography

Barker, Percy Edmund – Born: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1876.  Parents: Edmund Henry Barker of Long Melford (Coconut Mat Weaver) and Emma [née Studd].  Home: Hall Street, Long Melford (1881), 71 Midale Street, Norwich, Norfolk (1891), 108 Oak Street, Norwich (1911).  Occupation: Boot and Shoe Finisher (1891), Hairdresser (1911).  Married: Lily Violet Cooke in 1909.  Service Record: Percy enlisted in 1895 as Pte.4282 with 2nd Battalion, Norfolk Regiment, posted to India from 1897 to 1902 and to South Africa from 1905 to his discharge in 1907.  It is not known whether he went on to serve in the First World War as no definitive military record has been found.[1] Died: Norwich, Norfolk in 1936.

Notes – [1] Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363].

Genealogical Table

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2024

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