
The Friends of Long Melford Heritage Trust

The Long Melford Heritage Trust runs the Long Melford Heritage Centre. The Centre has been in existence for over ten years, following popular interest in the village’s history inspired by the visit of historian Michael Wood for his BBC Series A Great British Story: The People’s History.

Since 2012 the Centre’s activities have grown year on year to include archaeological surveys and digs, publishing and guided walks tracing the history of Long Melford. An extensive local history archive has been created, unique research has been undertaken and the Centre’s growing collection now numbers in excess of 2000 items.

Although the work of the Centre is now run through a charitable trust it is independent of local councils and is run entirely by volunteers. It receives no regular public funding and relies on donations from visitors to keep going. 

The Trust has ambitious plans for further activities and has set up “The Friends of Long Melford Heritage Trust” for anyone interested in supporting our future growth. We are committed to doing all we can to tell the stories of the people of Long Melford and the surrounding area that might otherwise be forgotten. But we need your help.

Taken by Jeff (

Your subscription will help fund the preservation of our collection and archives, the development of events and community work, as well as special exhibitions and displays.

Members will receive regular updates on our work and invitations to occasional lectures and other events. 

Subscription Prices


Individual Friendship: £10 a year

Family / Joint Friendship: £15 a year

Are you short of ideas for that special birthday, anniversary or festive gift? A Friendship also makes a great gift for a friend or loved one. If you’re buying a Friendship for someone else, please make sure you enter their details rather than your own.