A village with a big story
Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
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Selected Biography

Butters, Alfred John – Born: Little Cressingham, Norfolk on 7.3.1881.[1]  Parents: James Butters (Gamekeeper) and Emma [née Scarfe].  Home: Little Cressingham, Norfolk (1881 and 1891), Feltwell Road, Hockwold cum Wilton, Norfolk (1901), The Cottage, Kentwell Hall, Long Melford (1911), Mill Hill, Hillborough, Norfolk (1939) to [1947].  Occupation: Gamekeeper (1901), Gamekeeper on the Kentwell Hall estate (1911), Gamekeeper (1939).  Married: Mary Millicent Mann in 1907.  Service Record: Alfred was conscripted on 12.7.1916 as Pte.4520 with 2/5th Battalion, Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own [Yorkshire] Regiment.  Posted to France from 15.6.1917 as Pte.787 with 9th [Service] Battalion, Yorkshires, as part of 69th Brigade, 23rd Division he saw action during the Third Battles of Ypres.  Butters was hospitalized in early November, returning to England at the end of the month where he remained until March 1918 when he transferred as Pte.53948 to 1st [Reserve] Garrison Battalion, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, before he moved to Ireland in May; receiving his discharge on 15.11.1918, being deemed no longer fit for military service.[2]  Died: Hillborough, Norfolk on 22.7.1947.[3]

Notes – [1] Date of birth from Baptism Register 8.5.1881, Little Cressingham, Norfolk. [2] Soldiers’ Documents and Pension Claims, First World War [WO 364], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [3] Date of death from the National Probate Calendar.

Genealogical Table

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2024

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