Selected Biography
Coldham, Tom Hardy – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 10.4.1881. Parents: James Coldham (Engine Driver) and Ellen [née Hardy]. Home: The Green, Long Melford [1881], 33 Albion Street, Mile End, London (1891), The Green, Long Melford (1901), 6 Westgate Terrace Long Melford [1939]. Occupation: Solicitor’s Clerk (1901) to [1917]. Married: Kate Mary Moore in 1920. Service Record: At the Melford Military Service Tribunal in April 1916 Tom was granted exemption, which was later extended to December 1917, on the condition a substitute was found to take his place at the Front. It is not known if this stipulation was fulfilled, however in June 1918 his employer Steed and Steed was still pushing for his exemption. The case was adjourned for reference to the Law Society. At this late stage it seems unlikely that he was ever conscripted, furthermore no definitive military record has been found. Tom is recorded as a Special Constable in July 1919. Died: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1939.[1]
Notes – [1] For the Tribunal’s rulings see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 5.4.1916, 6.6.1917 and 26,6.1918. For status as a special constable see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 23.7.1919.
Genealogical Table