Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
Melford Red Cross Nurses, c1930 with text
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Selected Biographies

East, Arthur Thomas Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 20.7.1885.  Parents: John English East (Horsehair Weaver) and Mary Ann [née Alderton] (Horsehair Weaver).  Family Connections: Uncle of Frederick John East [b1896], and cousin of Oliver James East [b1875], Philip East [b1877] and Richard Charles East [b1893]; also, brother-in-law of George Samuel Boreham [b1859], Samuel Charles Ringer [b1878] and Arthur Ford [b1884].  Home: St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1891), Little St Marys, Long Melford (1901), Hall St, Long Melford (1911 to 1939).  Occupation: Under Groom (1901), Horsehair Crinoline Dresser (1911), Incapacitated, late Horsehair Factory Labourer (1939).  Married: Florence Howe in 1907.  Service Record: Arthur was a member of the band of ‘C’ Company, 2nd [Volunteer] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment in 1907, continuing with the Long Melford Silver Band up to at least 1924.  Although no definitive military record has been found, he may have attested on 31.8.1914 and transferred as Pte.597221 to the Labour Corps.  If this assumption is correct, then he was discharged on 7.9.1918 due to sickness.  This soldier also saw service overseas.  Died: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1954.[1]

East, Ernest George Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 21.4.1894.  Parents: George East (Coconut Mat Trimmer) [see below for military details] and Elizabeth Torpy [née Mitchell].  Family Connections: Brother to Herbert East [b1889].  Home: Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), Park Terrace, St Marys, Long Melford (1911), 66 Railway Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire (1939).  Occupation: Stable Boy (1911), Cowman and Groom [1914], Bricklayer (1939).  Married: Orpah Throney Smalley [née Beales] in 1922.  Service Record: Ernest enlisted on 24.12.1914 as Dvr.57959 with the Royal Field Artillery, posted to France from 28.7.1915 to 1918, re-enlisting in 1921 as No. 1003574 with the Royal Artillery, receiving his discharge in December 1926.  Died: Wisbech, Cambridgeshire in 1977.[2]

East, Frederick ‘Fred’ John [mm] Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 9.3.1896.  Parents: Frederick East (Coconut Mat Maker) and Alice [née Bean].  Family Connections: Half-brother of Harry James Bean [b1884] and nephew of Arthur Thomas East [b1885], George Samuel Boreham [b1858], Samuel Charles Ringer [b1878] and Arthur Ford [b1884]; also, cousin of Albert George Boreham [b1892] and Harry Dennis Boreham [b1896].  Home: Smaley Meadows, Long Melford [1896], Back Lane, Long Melford (1901 and 1911), 58 Eastern Street, Chelmsford, Essex (1939) to [1949].  Occupation: Errand Boy (1911), Timber Feller (1939).  Married: Maud Boreham in 1931.  Service Record: Fred enlisted on 3.9.1914 as Pte.2260 with 1/5th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, posted to Suvla Bay, Gallipoli from 10.8.1915 as part of 163rd Brigade, 54th [East Anglian] Division.  During the next four months the men of the Suffolks were ravaged by illness, the majority falling sick from the effects of dysentery.  On 9.12.1915 Fred’s battalion was evacuated from Gallipoli to a new posting in Egypt, where they spent much of the following year on guard duty along the Suez Canal.  In 1917 Private East was issued with a new number and as Pte.240490 taking part in the invasion of Palestine and seeing action at the First, Second and Third Battles of Gaza and the capture of Jerusalem by the end of the year.  In September 1918 a massive attack was put in place to destroy the remaining Turkish forces in northern Palestine.  Just before midnight of 18.9.1918 Fred’s battalion 1/5th Suffolks moved out ahead of the main attack, which was to be launched across the Plain of Sharon the following day.  By 2:00 am ‘B’ and ‘D’ Company, the latter being Fred’s own unit, traversed the rocky terrain at the southern end of a wide plateau, on the northern edge of which lay their first objective, a mass of ruins protected by machine-gun nests and barbed wire named Khirbet Kesfa.  After a short bombardment the Suffolks rushed the stronghold, sending the defenders into headlong flight.  With the position safely in British hands, the men continued north, down into a steep ravine that separated Khirbet Kesfa from the main objective, a Sphinx-shaped hill rising hundreds of feet above the surrounding plain, topped at its eastern end by a rocky outcrop dubbed Observation Hill.  As they approached the summit the men were assailed by a barrage of stick grenades and machine-gun fire.  Seemingly undeterred Fred and his comrades charged the position with such ferocity that the defenders were thrown into a rout.  For his part in the victory Private East was awarded the Military Medal ‘for gallantry in action against the enemy’.  The action was a critical component of the Battle of Sharon, which with the Battle of Nablus was part of the wider Battle of Megiddo and led to the Ottoman Turks signing the Armistice a month later.  Fred East was discharged in July 1919 shortly after returning from Egypt.  Died: Chelmsford, Essex on 7.2.1949.[3]

East, George Born: Lavenham, Suffolk in 1863.  Parent: Mary Ann East.  Family Connections: Father of Herbert East [b1889] and Ernest George East [b1894].   Home: Back Lane, Long Melford (1891), Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), Park Terrace, St Marys, Long Melford (1911).  Occupation: Coconut Mat Weaver (1891), Mat Trimmer (1901 and 1911).  Married: Elizabeth Torpy [née Mitchell] in 1887.  Service Record: George was a member of the Long Melford Volunteer Training Corps in 1915.  Died: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1915.[4]

East, Herbert Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 9.7.1889.  Parents: George East (Coconut Mat Trimmer) and Elizabeth Torpy [née Mitchell].  Family Connections: Brother to Ernest George East [b1894].  Home: Back Lane, Long Melford (1891), Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), Kelvedon Bridge, Kelvedon, Essex (1911).  Occupation: Butcher’s Assistant (1911).  Service Record: Herbert enlisted as Pte.2732 with 14th Divisional Cyclist Company, Army Cyclist Corps, transferring as Pte.7042 to the Somerset Light Infantry, then as Pte.23827 to 2/4th Battalion, then to 5th [Service] Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.  Herbert was posted to France from 19.5.1915 as part of 42nd Brigade, 14th [Light] Division, seeing action during the Somme Offensive of 1916, and the Battles of Arras and Third Ypres in 1917.  Died: Private East was listed as missing presumed killed in action on 23.3.1918, defending the canal at Pozières during the German Spring Offensive.  The village fell to the enemy a few days later.  Herbert is commemorated on the Pozières Memorial [panels 50 and 51], near Albert, Somme, France.[5]

East, Oliver James [mm] Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 21.8.1875.  Parents: James East (Coconut Mat Weaver) and Anna Maria [née Cutta].  Family Connections: Brother to Philip East [b1887] and Richard Charles East [b1893]; also, cousin of Arthur Thomas East [b1885].  Home: Liston Hall Farm, Liston, Essex (1881), Liston Lane, Liston (1891), 36 Winton Street, Southampton, Hampshire (1901 and 1911).  Occupation: Labourer (1901), Stonemason’s Labourer (1911).  Service Record: Although no definitive military record has been found, Oliver may have attested before 1915 as Spr.1794 with [1/2nd London] Field Company, Royal Engineers.  If this assumption is correct, then he was posted via Egypt to Gallipoli from April 1915 as part of 29th Division.  Following the evacuation to Egypt in January, the Division was posted to France in March, seeing action during the Somme Offensive in 1916, at the Battles of Arras, Third Ypres and Cambrai in 1917, and at the Battles of the Lys in April 1918.  It was probably while serving on the Somme that Oliver East was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and awarded the Military Medal.  He was issued with a new service number as Sgt.548286 in 1917, receiving his discharge in December 1919.  Died: Southampton, Hampshire in 1938.[6]

East, Philip Born: Liston, Essex on 28.6.1887.  Parents: James East (Coconut Mat Weaver) and Anna Maria [née Cutta].  Family Connections: Brother to Oliver James East of Long Melford [b1875] and Richard Charles East [b1893]; also, cousin of Arthur Thomas East [b1885].  Home: Liston Lane, Liston, Essex (1891), 4 Walnut Tree Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk (1901), Military Barracks in Egypt (1911), 71 Raydons Road, Dagenham, Essex (1939).  Occupation: Upholsterer (1901), Labourer [1904], Soldier (1911), Post Office Cleaner (1939).  Married: Laura E. Race in 1925.  Service Record: Philip enlisted in 1904 as Pte.6480 with 3rd [Militia] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, Philip joined 1st Battalion, Suffolks as Pte.6978 in 1905, being posted to Egypt and Sudan before the First World War.  On 3.5.1915 he was posted to France as part of 84th Brigade, 28th Division, seeing action at the Second Battle of Ypres and the Battle of Loos in 1915.  From October 1915 to November 1918 Corporal East was posted to Salonika, serving on the Bulgarian Front where he was awarded with the Order of the Redeemer [Chevalier], conferred on him by the King of the Hellenes in 1919.  He had risen to the rank of Sergeant by the time of his discharge.[7]

East, Richard Charles Born: Liston, Essex on 8.11.1893.  Parents: James East (Coconut Mat Weaver) and Anna Maria [née Cutta].  Family Connections: Brother to Oliver James East of Long Melford [b1875] and Philip East [b1887]; also, cousin of Arthur Thomas East [b1885].  Home: 4 Walnut Tree Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk (1901), 6 Raylands Cottages, Ash Road, Hadleigh, Essex (1911), Mill Road, Watlington, Norfolk (1939).  Occupation: Carman on Farm (1911), Agricultural Labourer (1939).  Married: Gladys Eva Haverson in 1922.  Service Record: Although no definitive military record has been found, Richard may have attested on 21.2.1916 as Gnr.130705 with the Royal Garrison Artillery.  If this assumption is correct, then he was issued with a Silver War Badge and discharged in December 1919.  Died: Downham, Norfolk in 1973.[8]

Notes – [1] Date of birth taken from Baptism Register 4.10.1885, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford.  Band record courtesy of Tim Seppings of Sudbury the Silver Band’s archivist.  See also his possible Service Medal and Award Rolls, First World War, Silver War Badge [WO 329] record [ref: 521605] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372] under the name A. T. East.  [2] Date of birth from Admission Register 26.4.1897, St Catherines Infants School, Long Melford and Death Index.  See also his Royal Artillery Service Record, Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329], and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].  [3] Date of birth from the Baptism Register 21.5.1896, St Catherines Mission Church, Long Melford.  See the entry for Bertie John Allen [b1886] for an account of the Suffolk’s first days after stepping ashore in Gallipoli.  For details of 1/5th Suffolk’s movements in Gallipoli and Palestine see War Diaries [WO 95/4325 and WO 95/4658].  For the battalion’s part in the two campaigns and details of the action where Fred East won his Military Medal see Capt. A. Fair [mc] and Capt. E. D. Wolton [compiled by] “The Suffolk Regiment”: the history of the 1/5th Battalion [London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1923], pp.13-107 and 125.  For notification of his Military Medal see the Supplement to the London Gazette 3.7.1919, p.8334.  See also his Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].  Date of death from the National Probate Calendar.  [4] For Training Corps article see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 10.3.1915.  [5] Date of birth from Admission Register 19.11.1895, St Catherines Infants School, Long Melford.  Recorded as Bert East on 1911 Census Return.  For details of the action see 5th Ox and Bucks War Diary [WO 95/1900/4].  See also his Commonwealth War Graves Commission record, British Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 file [ref: 934035] [which lists his mother as Elizabeth], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].  [6] Date of birth from the Baptism Register 7.11.1875, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford.  See also his proposed Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].  For notification of his possible Military Medal see Supplement to the London Gazette 11.11.1916, p.10921 and the MM Index Card.  [7] Date of birth from the 1939 Register for Dagenham, Essex.  Recorded as Phillip East on 1911 Census Return.  For notification the Greek Order see Supplement to the London Gazette 21.7.1919, p.9234.  For details of 1st Suffolk’s movements in Flanders and Salonika se War Diaries [WO 95/2277/3 and WO 95/4916] and Murphy, Lieutenant-Colonel C. C. R. The History of the Suffolk Regiment 1914-1927 [London: Hutchinson and Co, 1928], various chapters.  Recorded as Phillip East on his Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329], and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].  [8] Date of birth from the 1939 Register for Downham Rural District in Norfolk.  See his Service Medal and Award Rolls, First World War, Silver War Badge [WO 329] record [ref: 03839] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].

Double portrait of Harry 'Dennis' Boreham and his cousin Frederick East probably taken in Egypt in 1917/18 during the Palestine Campaign
Fred East and John Finch 1894-1918. With Harry Boreham, all three lads signed up on the same day.

Genealogical Tables

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2024
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