A village with a big story
Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
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Selected Biography

Irons, William Charles – Born: Chiswick, Middlesex on 25.8.1893.[1] Parents: William Irons (General Labourer) and Alice Maud [née Blackhall].  Home: 29 Swanscombe Road, Chiswick, Middlesex (1901), lodging with Edward Brindley (uncle) at 31 Reckitt Road, Chiswick (1911). Occupation: Porter (1911). Married: Bertha Agnes Lingwood of Ipswich, Suffolk in 1914. Service Record: On 6.6.1915 at Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford William is recorded as a Soldier at baptism of son.[2]  He enlisted as Pte.15525 with the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, transferring as Pte.17753 to 6th [Service] Battalion, Duke of Edinburgh’s [Wiltshire Regiment], being posted to the Western Front on 19.7.1915, as part of 58th Brigade, 19th [Western] Division see action throughout the Somme Offensive of 1916.[3]  Died: William was killed in action at Aveluy near Albert from enemy artillery fire on 20.11.1916.  He is commemorated on Thiepval Memorial [Pier and Face 13A], Somme, France.[4]

Notes – [1] Baptism Register of 8.10.1893 for St Nicholas Church, Chiswick, Middlesex.  [2] Baptism Register of Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford – Bury Record Office [ref: FL509/4/18].  [3] See the battalion War Diary [WO 97/2093/2], also his Medal Roll [WO 329] and Medal Index Card [WO 372].  [4] British Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 and Commonwealth War Grave Commission.

Genealogical Table

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2022
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