A village with a big story
Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
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Jurdan / Jordan

Selected Biography

Jurdan, James – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk in 1817.  Parent: Susannah Jurdan.  Home: Hall Street, Long Melford (1871 to 1881), St Marys Street, Long Melford (1891).  Occupation: Horsehair Weaver and Army Pensioner (1871), Labourer (1881 to 1891).  Married: Elizabeth Bull née Hardy (1822-1884) in 1862 and Hannah Gibbons (1831-1899) in 1886.  Service Record: James enlisted in 1840 for a period of 21 years as Pte.1416 with 94th Regiment of Foot, being posted to India and stationed on the Northwest Frontier.[1]    Died: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1897.

[1] Chelsea Pensioners British Army Service Records 1760-1913 [Wo 97].

Genealogical Tables

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2023
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