A village with a big story
Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
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Selected Biography

Kenney, Morton – Born: Barking, Essex in 1897. Parents: William Henry Kenney (Inland Revenue Officer) and Eleanor [née Whittle] of Long Melford. Home: The Green, Long Melford (1901), Hall Street, Long Melford (1911) to [1934]. Occupation: Booking Clerk for Great Eastern Railway at Clare, Suffolk (1921). Service Record: Morton was conscripted as Spr.229572, later renumbered as WR.263637 with the Railway Section of the Royal Engineers. It is not known if he served on the Western Front.[1] Died: Long Melford on 7.6.1934.[2]

Notes – [1] Medal Roll [WO 329] and Medal Index Card [WO 372]. [2] National Probate Calendar.

Genealogical Table

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2023
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