Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
Melford Red Cross Nurses, c1930 with text
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Selected Biographies

Mortlock, Hector James – Born: Stradishall, Suffolk on 25.7.1895.[1] Parents: James William Mortlock of Long Melford (Farm Bailiff) and Lizzie [née Hurrell].  Home:  Hall Farm, Dalham, Suffolk (1901), Ashley, Newmarket, Cambridgeshire (1911), Pit Cottages, Brandon, Norfolk (1921), West Tofts, Norfolk (1939).  Occupation: Agricultural Labourer (1911 to 1939).  Service Record: Hector enlisted on 3.9.1914 as Pte.14958 with 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, discharged at the end of the following month as ‘not being likely to become an efficient soldier’ due to myopia, his forename being wrongly recorded as Victor. Notwithstanding diagnosis of his original medical examination, he appears to have been called for service later in the War as his Medal Roll record shows that as Pte.GS/50187 with 20th [Service] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers [City of London] Regiment he was posted to the Western Front from 12.11.1916 to 21.2.1919. Hector was later transferred to other Fusilier units: 8th [Service] Battalion on 29.11.1917, 7th [Extra Reserve] Battalion on 6.2.1918 and finally to 11th [Service] Battalion on 30.9. 1918.  During his time at the Front he would have seen action at the Battles of Arras and Passchendaele in 1917.[2]  Died: Newmarket, Cambridgeshire in 1966.

Mortlock, Bertie – Born: Shimpling, Suffolk on 14.6.1883.[3]  Parents: Joseph Mortlock (Gamekeeper) and Sophia [née Worledge].  Family Connections: Samuel Mortlock [b1887] and Joseph Mortlock [b1895].  Home: Aveley Lane, Shimpling, Suffolk (1891 to 1911), emigrated to Canada [1912], 320 Lipton Street, Winnipeg, Canada [1917].  Occupation: Agricultural Labourer (1901 to 1911), Driver [1917].  Service Record: Bertie enlisted on 21.9.1917 as Pte.4070036 with 1st [Depot] Battalion, Manitoba Regiment.  He was found to be medically unfit; it is not known therefore if he was called to serve; he received his official discharge however in July 1918.[4]

Mortlock, Samuel – Born: Shimpling, Suffolk in 1887. Parents: Joseph Mortlock (Gamekeeper) and Sophia [née Worledge].  Family Connections: Bertie Mortlock [b1883] and Joseph Mortlock [b1895].  Home: Aveley Lane, Shimpling, Suffolk (1891 to 1901), Military Barracks in Egypt (1911).  Occupation: Professional Soldier (1905 to 1914).  Service Record: Samuel enlisted in 1905 as Pte.6953 with 1st Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, qualifying as a Signaller and serving in Egypt in 1911, before transferring to the Army reserve on 30.9.1914. He was recalled to the Colours as Pte.1674, later re-numbered as Pte.240215 and serving with 1/5th Suffolk Regiment in Gallipoli from 10.8.1915.[5]

Mortlock, Joseph – Born: Shimpling, Suffolk on 5.1.1895.[6]  Parents: Joseph Mortlock (Gamekeeper) and Sophia [née Worledge].  Family Connections: Bertie Mortlock [b1883] and Samuel Mortlock [b1887].  Home: Aveley Lane, Shimpling, Suffolk (1901 to 1911), emigrated to Canada [1912].  Occupation: Agricultural Labourer (1911).  Service Record: Joseph enlisted on 30.3.1915 as Pte.425104 with 29th Battalion, Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force.  He was posted to France as part of 6th Canadian Brigade, 2nd Canadian Division seeing action during the Somme Offensive where he received gunshot wounds to his back and left arm in September 1916.  He returned to Canada in 1919.[7]

Notes – [1] 1939 Register.  [2] Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363], Medal Roll [WO 329], and Medal Index Card [WO 372].  [3] Date of birth from his military record.  [4] Library and Archives of Canada https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca [ref: B6426-S010].  [5] Soldiers’ Documents and Pension Claims, First World War [WO 364], Medal Roll [WO 329], and Medal Index Card [WO 372].  [6] Date of birth from his military record.  [7] Library and Archives of Canada https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca [ref: B6426-S015].

Genealogical Tables

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2024
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