Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
Melford Red Cross Nurses, c1930 with text
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Selected Biographies

Pegg, Harry Frederick – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 18.4.1888.[1] Parents: Peter Pegg (Groom) and Sarah Ann [née Cutcher] (Grocer). Family Connections: Father to Ronald George Pegg [b1920] and brother of William Robert Pegg [b1882]; also, and brother-in-law of Sidney George Jarmin [b1885].  Home: St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1891 to 1901), Military Barracks, Stanhope Lines, Aldershot, Surrey (1911), St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1921), Hall Street, Long Melford (1939), ‘Rosanray’ Woollards Gardens, Long Melford [1981].  Occupation: Harness Maker (1901), Groom with the Royal Horse Artillery (1911), Postman [1919] to (1939).  Married: Evelyn Hilda Jarmin in 1915.[2]  Service Record: Before 1907 Harry was a member of ‘D’ Company, 2nd [Volunteer] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.  In 1907 he enlisted as a Groom with the Royal Horse Artillery, transferring to the Army Reserve in 1913.  He was mobilised on 5.10.1914 as Dvr.48490 with XIV Brigade, RHA, part of 7th Division and posted to France as a saddler.  The Brigade saw action throughout the War, most notably at the First Battle of Ypres in 1914; the Battles of Neuve Chapelle, Aubers, Festubert and Loos in 1915; the Somme Offensive of 1916 and the Third Battles of Ypres in the following year.  Harry Pegg was promoted to the rank of Corporal on 23.5.1916 and posted to Italy from 27.11.1917 to 4.8.1918, being discharged in 1919.[3]  During the Second World War he was a member of the Local Defence Volunteers in Long Melford, being part of ‘H’ Company, 10th Battalion, Suffolk Home Guard when it was formed in August 1942.  His name is recorded in the official tribute to the organization entitled The Lion Roared his Defiance, photographed in and around Long Melford in 1944.[4] Died: Long Melford, Suffolk on 30.4.1981.[5]

Pegg, Ronald George – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 20.4.1920.[6] Parents: Harry Frederick Pegg (Postman) [see above for military record] and Evelyn Hilda [née Jarmin].  Family Connections: Nephew of William Robert Pegg [b1883].  Home: St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1921), Hall Street, Long Melford (1939).  Occupation: Shopkeeper, Corn and Flour Seedsman (1939).  Service Record: Ronald was a member of the Local Defence Volunteers in Long Melford, being part of ‘H’ Company, 10th Battalion, Suffolk Home Guard when it was formed in August 1942.  His name is recorded in the official tribute to the organization entitled The Lion Roared his Defiance, photographed in and around Long Melford in 1944.[7]  Died: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk in 1987.

Pegg, William Robert – Born: Great Waldingfield, Suffolk on 2.7.1882.[8]  Parents: Peter Pegg (Groom) and Sarah Ann [née Cutcher] (Grocer).  Family Connections: Brother to Harry Frederick Pegg of Long Melford [b1888]; also, brother-in-law of John Perry [b1881] and Edward Thomas Perry [b1885].  Home: St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1891 and 1901), Hall Street, Long Melford (1911) to [1958].  Occupation: Boot and Shoemaker for Francis Rice of Friars Street in Sudbury (1901 to 1911), Boot Repairer (1921 to 1939).  Married: Ellen Perry of Long Melford in 1908.  Service Record: Before 1914 William was a member of 5th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment [Territorial] and a member of the Melford Silver Band.[9]  At the Melford Military Service Tribunal in July 1916 he applied for exemption, which was granted on the condition he joined the Long Melford Volunteer Training Corps.[10]  It is not known if Pegg’s certificate remained valid until the end of hostilities, however no definitive military record has been found to suggest otherwise.  Died: Long Melford, Suffolk on 7.11.1958.[11]

Related Biography

Jarmin, Sidney George – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 18.1.1885.[12]  Parents: George William Jarmin (Sawyer) and Elizabeth Eliza Drake [Horsehair Weaver]. Family Connections: Brother-in-law of Harry Frederick Pegg [b1888]. Home: Hall Street, Long Melford (1891 and 1901), 114 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich [1917 to 1930]. Occupation: Carpenter (1901) to [1917], Carpenter and Joiner for Burton Son & Sanders Ltd [Wholesale Provision Merchants & Manufacturers of College Street, Ipswich] (1921). Married: Ruth Feast in 1915. Service Record: Sidney was conscripted on 6.11.1917 as Air Mechanic No. F41116 with Royal Naval Air Service, transferring as No. 24116 to the Royal Air Force from 1.4.1918, receiving his discharge in April 1920.[13] Died: Ipswich, Suffolk on 11.11.1930.[14]

Notes – [1] Baptism Register 10.6.1888, St Catherines Mission Church, Long Melford.  [2] Marriage Register 14.11.1915, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford.  [3] For details of 14th Brigade, Royal Horse Artillery’s movements see War Diaries [WO 95/1642/3 and WO 95/385/1].  See also his Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363], Soldiers’ Documents and Pension Claims, First World War [WO 364], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].  [4] Published by Marten & Son, Ltd., of Market Hill, Sudbury, Suffolk in 1946.  [5] National Probate Calendar.  [6] 1939 Register.  [7] Published by Marten & Son, Ltd., of Market Hill, Sudbury, Suffolk in 1946.  [8] 1939 Register for Long Melford.  [9] The assumption regarding William’s military career is based on a photograph showing him as a member of the Long Melford Silver Band in 1914, bearing the Suffolk Regiment cap badge.  My thanks to the Band’s archivist Timothy Sepping of Sudbury for his help in identifying the Band’s members.  [10] For the Tribunal’s ruling see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 26.7.1916.  [11] National Probate Calendar.  [12] Baptism Register 5.4.1885, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford.  [13] Royal Navy Registers of Seaman’s Services [ADM 188/633] and Air Member for Personnel and predecessors: Airman’s Records [AIR 79/2170].  [14] National Probate Calendar.

Genealogical Table

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2023
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