Little Holland cottages at top of Green no longer there
Claypits Pond with Horses 1905
Long Melford Coronation fancy dress competition at the British Legion in Cordell road1953
Melford Red Cross Nurses, c1930 with text
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Selected Biographies

Root, Arthur – Born: Halstead, Essex on 15.2.1901.[1]  Parents: James Root (Iron Trimmer’s Labourer) and Ellen Jane [née Everitt].  Family Connections: Father to Neville George Root [b1925] and brother of William Root [b1889]; also, son-in-law of Charles Drury [b1874] and brother-in-law of Charles William Drury [b1905] both of Long Melford.  Home: The Slate, Parsonage Street, Halstead, Essex (1901), 8 Great Yard, Tydings Hill, Halstead (1911), The Slate, Parsonage Street, Halstead (1921), Westgate Street, Long Melford (1939), 41 Cordell Place, Long Melford [1953].[2]  Occupation: General Labourer (1921), Bricklayer (1939).  Married: Florence Elsie Drury of Long Melford in 1929.  Service Record:  Arthur was a member of the ‘H’ Company, 10th Battalion, Suffolk Home Guard when it was formed in August 1942.  His name is recorded in the official tribute to the organization entitled The Lion Roared his Defiance, photographed in and around Long Melford in 1944.[3]  Died: Long Melford, Suffolk on 28.9.1981.

Root, Neville George – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 8.7.1929.[4]  Parents: Arthur Root (Bricklayer) [see above for details] and Florence Elsie [née Drury] of Long Melford.  Family Connections: Grandson of Charles Drury [b1874]; also, nephew of William Root [b1889] and Charles William Drury [b1905].  Home: Westgate Street, Long Melford (1939), 41 Cordell Place, Long Melford [1953], 17 Clay Hall Place, Acton, Suffolk [1985].  Occupation: Electric Welder for Ronald Lyons Ltd [1953].  Married: Jean Barbara Cornell née Saunders in 1953.  Service Record: Neville enlisted in 1947 with the Royal Navy.[5]  Died: Acton, Suffolk on 30.1.1985.[6]

Root, William – Born: Halstead, Essex on 15.6.1889.  Parents: James Root (Iron Trimmer’s Labourer) and Ellen Jane [née Everitt].  Family Connections: Brother to Arthur Root [b1901] and uncle of Neville George Root of Long Melford [b1925].  Home: 36 Trinity Road, Halstead, Essex (1891), 15 The Slate, Halstead (1901), 8 Great Yard, Tydings Hill, Halstead (1911), Hawks Hall Corner, Gainsford End, Toppesfield, Essex (1921).  Occupation: Agricultural Labourer (1911 to 1921).  Married: Miriam Rose Patmore in 1919.   Service Record: William volunteered on 7.9.1914 as Pte.13358 with 10th [Service] Battalion, Essex Regiment, sadly failing the minimum requirements then current for active service and being discharged two months later.[7]  Died: Halstead, Essex in 1925.

Related Biographies

Drury, Charles – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 4.6.1874.[8]  Parents: Amos Drury (Coconut Mat Maker) and Jane [née Grimwood] (Coconut Mat Binder).  Family Connections: Brother to George Drury [b1876] and Robert Drury [b1890]; also, cousin of Frederick Drury [b1884] and Lawrence Drury [b1889], brother-in-law of Alfred Jackson [b1878] and Bertie Charles Gardiner [b1880], and father-in-law of Arthur Root [b1901].  Home: The Green, Long Melford (1881 to 1901), Bull Lane, Long Melford (1911), Cordell Cottages, High Street, Long Melford (1921 to 1939).  Occupation: Wool Winder at George Whittle’s Coconut Mat Factory (1891), Coconut Mat Maker (1901 to 1939).  Married: Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Brewster in 1901.  Service Record: From 1897 to 1908 Charles was a member of 2nd [Volunteer] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment and from 1908 to 1913 served as Pte.263 in 5th Battalion, Suffolks, [Territorial].  He was mobilised on 5.8.1914 but was discharged after six months as ‘no longer physically fit for war service’.  Charles re-enlisted on 28.6.1915 as Pte.20681 with 1/5th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, transferring as Pte.22318 to 1st Garrison Battalion, Essex Regiment before being posted to Anzac Cove in Gallipoli on 19.9.1915.  As Lines of Communications troops, the Battalion’s War Diary shows that the men were employed in a support role as ammunition carriers, bomb makers, telephone, and wireless operators etc.[9]  In December 1915 he was evacuated to Egypt, transferring on 12.5.1916 as Pte.30010 to 2nd [Home Service] Garrison Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.  Private Drury was issued with a Silver War Badge and discharged on 13.10.1916 due to a knee injury.[10]  Died: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1949.

Drury, Charles William – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 10.12.1905.[11]  Parents: Charles Drury (Coconut Mat Maker) [see details above] and Mary Ann ‘Polly’ [née Brewster].  Family Connections: Brother-in-law to Arthur Root [b1901] and Frederick George Ridpath [b1918]; also, nephew of Frederick Drury [b1884], George Drury [b1876] and Robert Drury [b1890].  Home: Bull Lane, Long Melford (1911), High Street, Long Melford (1921), Cordell Cottages, High Street, Long Melford (1939).  Occupation: Mill Attendant for George Whittle’s Coconut Matting Factory (1921), Builder’s Labourer (1939).  Service Record: Charles was a member of ‘H’ Company, 10th Battalion, Suffolk Home Guard when it was formed in August 1942.  His name is recorded in the official tribute to the organization entitled The Lion Roared his Defiance, photographed in and around Long Melford in 1944.[12]  Died: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1984.

Notes – [1] 1939 Register.  [2] Address taken from wedding announcement in Suffolk and Essex Free Press 16.12.1953.  [3] Published by Marten & Son, Ltd., of Market Hill, Sudbury, Suffolk in 1946.  [4] 1939 Register.  [5] Suffolk and Essex Free Press 16.12.1953.  [6] National Probate Calendar.  [7] Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363].  [8] Baptism Register 7.2.1875, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford.  The 1939 Register for Long Melford records his birth date as 28.5.1874. [9] For details of 1st Garrison Battalion’s movements see War Diary [WO 95/4356]. [10] Service and Soldiers’ Documents and Pension Claims, First World War [WO 364], Service Medal and Award Rolls, First World War, Silver War Badge [WO 329] record [ref: 147711], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372].  Charles Drury is recorded as a Soldier at the christening of his son see Baptism Register 7.11.1915 of Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford.  [11] 1939 Register.  [12] Marten & Son op. cit.

Genealogical Table

Research by David Gevaux MA © 2024
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