Selected Biography
Sutton, Charles Robert – Born: Alpheton, Suffolk in 1880. Parents: Charles Sutton (Bricklayer’s Labourer) and Hannah [née Hill]. Family Connections: . Home: Biddells Cottages, Alpheton, Suffolk (1881), Lion Cottage, Church Road, Alpheton (1891), boarding with Harry Punt (Blacksmith) in Grove Road, Bentley, Samford, Suffolk (1901), Alpheton Tye, Alpheton (1911), Green Farm House, Hessett, Suffolk (1921). Occupation: Wheelwright (1901 to 1911), Carpenter (1921). Married: Mary Ann Mortlock in 1911. Service Record: Charles was conscripted on 17.12.1917 as an Aircraft Mechanic Second Class No.120946 with the Royal Flying Corps, transferring on 1.4.1918 to the Royal Air Force and receiving his discharge on 13.8.1918.[1] Died: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk in 1927.
Notes – [1] Air Member for Personnel and Predecessors: Airmen’s Records [AIR 79/1083], Pension Card [11/M/154578].
Genealogical Tables