Selected Biographies
Totman, Albert – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 23.11.1892.[1] Parents: Edward Totman (Iron Moulder) and Eliza [née Mattock]. Family Connections: Brother to Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Ernest Totman [b1887], Frederick Totman [b1889], Walter Totman [b1895] and Edward John Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Clifford Totman [b1892], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900], and brother-in-law of Ernest Edward Lorking [b1884] and Bertie Edwin Lorking [b1894]. Home: Little St Marys, Long Melford [1895], Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), 2 St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1911), 20 Gaol Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk [1916], 16 Newmans Road, Sudbury [1920], 6 Mount Place, Sudbury (1921), 9 Canhams Road, Great Cornard, Suffolk (1939). Occupation: Stockman on Farm (1911), Tinsmith at Ward’s Iron Foundry [1916], Engineer for Serck Radiators (1921), Disabled Ex-Serviceman (1939). Married: Jessie May Lorking in 1916. Service Record: Albert was conscripted on 10.4.1916 as Pte.4524 with 3/5th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment. He was transferred on 14.10.1916 as Pte.2838 to 2/1st Suffolk Yeomanry [Duke of York’s Own Loyal Hussars], which by this date had converted to cyclist unit, joining 5th Cyclist Brigade, 2nd Cyclist Division, stationed first in Ipswich then in nearby Woodbridge, patrolling the Suffolk coast against possible German invasion. On 12.9.1918 he was transferred as Pte.M/323100 to 978th [Mechanical Transport] Company, Army Service Corps, receiving his discharge in March 1920.[2] Died: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk in 1957.
Totman, Alfred ‘Bertie’ – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 21.6.1890.[3] Parents: Alfred Totman (Beer House Keeper) and Ellen Maria [née Elliston]. Family Connections: Brother to George Bernard Totman [b1893]. Home: St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1891), White Horse Inn, 14 Rotten Row, Long Melford (1901), lodging as Bertie Totman with George Heyhoe at 11 Station Road, Harwich, Essex (1911), 15 Southgate Street, Long Melford (1921 to 1939). Occupation: Upholsterer (1911 to 1939). Service Record: Bertie served as Gnr.340820 with the Royal Garrison Artillery, receiving his discharge in 1920.[4] Died: Hampshire in 1979.
Totman, Arthur William – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 9.7.1881.[5] Parents: Edward Totman (Iron Moulder) and Eliza [née Mattock]. Family Connections: Brother to Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Ernest Totman [b1887], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895] and Edward John Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Clifford Totman [b1892], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900]. Home: Swan Lane, Long Melford (1891), 17 Bramford Road, Ipswich, Suffolk (1901), Boxford Lane, Boxford, Suffolk (1911), Teapot Corner, Shelley, Suffolk (1939). Occupation: Agricultural Labourer on Melford Place Farm, Long Melford [1900], General Labourer (1901), Agricultural Labourer (1911), Horseman on Farm (1921), Agricultural Labourer (1939). Married: Mahala Rose Hammond in 1903. Service Record: Arthur enlisted in 1900 as a Private with 3rd [Militia] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, discharged as being ‘unlikely to make an efficient militiaman’ in 1900. He re-enlisted in 1901 as Gnr.2545 with the Suffolk Artillery, Royal Garrison Artillery, being discharged on ‘conviction of a felony’ in 1904. It is not known if he saw service during the First World War as no extant record has been found.[6]
Totman, Basil Walter – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 17.9.1916.[7] Parent: Katherine Elizabeth Totman. Family Connections: Nephew of Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1882], Ernest Totman [b1886], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895] and Edward Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Leonard Frederick Totman [b1926]. Home: Hall Street, Long Melford (1921), 5 Rodbridge Hill, Long Melford [1940]. Occupation: General Labourer [1940]. Married: Jessie E. Cornwall née Hansell in 1945. Service Record: Basil was conscripted on 15.3.1940 as Pte.6021180 with the Suffolk Regiment, transferring to 7 Commando. He was posted to North Africa where he was captured by Italian forces during the amphibious raid on Bardia on 20.4.1941 as part of Layforce and sent to Camp 78 at Sulmona in Italy up to the Italian Armistice in September 1943. Recaptured by the Germans in November he was moved to Stalag VIIA at Moosburg until his transfer in February 1944 to Arbeitskommando 3732, a work camp at Hindenburg Strasse, Mönchengladbach in Germany, until his liberation on 9.5.1945.[8] Died: Norwich, Norfolk in 1963.
Totman, Bertie – Born: Sudbury, Suffolk on 28.4.1900.[9] Parents: Arthur Totman of Long Melford (Coal Porter) and Mary Ann [née Peters] (Silk Weaver). Family Connections: Brother to Frederick Totman [b1898]; also, cousin of Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Ernest Totman [b1887], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895], Edward John Totman [b1897] and Clifford Totman [b1892]. Home: 7 Boxford Terrace, Sudbury, Suffolk (1911), 128 Wherstead Road, Ipswich, Suffolk [1918], 12 Exeter Road, Ipswich (1939) to [1981]. Occupation: Malting’s Foreman (1939). Service Record: Bertie was conscripted on 28.5.1918 as Pte.62404 with 51st [Graduated] Battalion, Kings Royal Rifle Corps, being kept on Home Service and discharged in 1920.[10] Died: Ipswich, Suffolk on 7.1.1981.[11]
Totman, Clifford – Born: Sudbury, Suffolk on 6.10.1893.[12] Parents: Harry Totman of Long Melford (Mat Weaver) and Lucy Theodosia [née Brown] (Silk Weaver). Family Connections: Cousin of Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Ernest Totman [b1887], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895], Edward John Totman [b1897], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900]; also, uncle of William Charles Totman [b1923]. Home: 11 Inkerman Row, Sudbury, Suffolk (1901), Rose Cottage, Girling Street, Sudbury (1911). Occupation: Butcher (1911). Married: Katie Woolmer in 1935. Service Record: Clifford enlisted in 1914 as Pte. S/2/015126 with the Supply Section of the Army Service Corps, being posted to France from 30.4.1915, transferring as Pte.56078 to 21st [Service] Battalion [2nd Tyneside Scottish], Northumberland Fusiliers, then to 12/13th [Service] Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers. Both Northumberland units saw action on the Western Front: during the Somme Offensive of 1916, Arras in 1917, and the Battle of the Lys in April 1918.[13] Private Totman was captured at Kemmel in Belgium on 10.4.1918 and placed first in a Prisoner of War Camp at Dϋlmen, then to Mϋnster in Germany.[14] Died: Braintree, Essex in 1980.
Totman, Edward John – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 28.6.1897.[15] Parents: Edward Totman (Iron Moulder) and Eliza [née Mattock]. Family Connections: Brother to Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Ernest Totman [b1887], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892] and Walter Totman [b1895]; also, cousin of Clifford Totman [b1892], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900]. Home: Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), 2 St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1911) to [1917]. Occupation: Shop Boy (1911). Service Record: Edward was a member of the Long Melford Volunteer Training Corps in 1915.[16] He was conscripted as Pte.5619, with 1/4th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment being posted to France as part of 98th Brigade, 33rd Division, seeing action during the Somme Offensive of 1916. At the beginning of 1917 Edward was issued with a new service number as Pte.202129.[17] Died: Private Totman was listed as missing, presumed killed in action on 14.2.1917, during a trench raid near Cléry-sur-Somme.[18] The raiding party was hit by shell fire when escorting prisoners back to the British lines. Reports of him being missing were also covered in the local press. Edward Totman is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme [pier and face 1c and 2a], Somme, France and on the Long Melford War Memorial.[19]
Totman, Ernest – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 7.4.1887.[20] Parents: Edward Totman (Iron Moulder) and Eliza [née Mattock]. Family Connections: Brother to Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895] and Edward John Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Clifford Totman [b1892], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900]. Home: Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), Lapwing Cottages, Liston, Essex (1911), 57 East Street, Sudbury, Suffolk [1917] to (1939), Sunnyside, Melford Road, Sudbury [1962]. Occupation: Agricultural Labourer (1901), Yardman on Farm (1911), Engine Driver for Stafford Allen and Sons, Distillers of Herbal Oils, also grinds corn for pig feed. [1916 to 1917], Lorry Driver (1939). Married: Rebecca Maud Welham in 1906. Service Record: At the Melford Military Service Tribunal in June 1916 Stafford Allen and Sons applied for Ernest’s exemption. As they argued he ‘grinds corn for pigs, of which a large number are kept’. The case was adjourned until the next sitting, another one of Stafford Allen’s man, Ephraim Younger [b1891], having been granted conditional exemption for similar work a month earlier. At the hearing in July exemption was granted for both men until the end of September, which in October was extended for two months. In January 1917 his employer applied for further exemption, which again was granted.[21] This exemption notwithstanding, Ernest was conscripted on 1.5.1917 as Pte.3/33867 with 3rd [Reserve] Battalion, East Surrey Regiment based in Dover. On 2.2.1918 he was transferred as Pte.460518 to 697th Agricultural Company, Labour Corps, being posted on 22.9.1919 to Dublin with the Army Service Corps. By the time of his discharge in 1920 he was serving as Pte. T/454410 with 1155th [Mechanical Transport] Company, Royal Army Service Corps.[22] Died: Sudbury, Suffolk on 4.5.1962.[23]
Totman, Frederick – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 2.3.1889.[24] Parents: Edward Totman (Iron Moulder) and Eliza [née Mattock]. Family Connections: Father to Leonard Frederick Totman [b1926] and brother of Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Ernest Totman [b1887], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895] and Edward John Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Clifford Totman [b1892], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900]. Home: Swan Lane, Long Melford (1891), Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), 15 St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1911 to 1939). Occupation: Iron Moulder for Ward and Silver of Long Melford, latterly a Metal Window-Frame moulder with Crittall’s of Braintree [1904 to 1916], Iron Moulder for Dupont and Orttewell, Agricultural Implement Makers of Sudbury [1916], Iron Moulder (1939). Married: Lily M. Smith in 1913. Service Record: At the Sudbury Military Service Tribunal in July 1916, Henry Baker the Manager of Dupont and Orttewell, applied for Fred and his brother Sidney’s exemption. In the meantime, the men indicated that they would be willing to join the Volunteer Training Corps. Exemption for three months was granted. In November the employer was again pleading for the men’s retention, both of whom were currently engaged in casting ploughshares. When the men presented themselves to the panel, some fun was had at their expense. As the local newspaper put it ‘the men had come straight from the furnace, and their appearance tickled the Tribunal, who suggested that Mr Baker [the company’s advocate] should have [also] come with some colour on’. Both men were initially granted one month’s grace but after consideration this was changed to a conditional exemption. Frederick’s certificate appears to have remained valid throughout 1917, as in February 1918 the military representative asked the Tribunal to review the case as the Area Munitions Officer had withdrawn Totman’s ‘reserve’ status, which formed part of the original conditions. The panel agreed that he should now be called up. Undeterred, Dupont and Orttewells came to the Tribunal in April arguing that Totman’s removal could not be valid as the Company had not been given prior notice. The Military Representative was adamant that he should go and the only grounds for exemption now available was personal hardship. At this point Charles Westropp for the Board of Agriculture stepped into the fray and added that if the employer’s appeal was turned down, the Agricultural Machinery Department would appeal as moulders were badly needed. The panel thought otherwise, ruling that the Frederick Totman should report for duty at the end of the month.[25] Frederick’s unit is unknown as no definitive military record has been found. Died: Long Melford, Suffolk on 13.5.1969.[26]
Totman, Frederick – Born: Sudbury, Suffolk on 6.1.1898.[27] Arthur Totman of Long Melford (Coal Porter) and Mary Ann [née Peters] (Silk Weaver). Family Connections: Brother to Bertie Totman [b1900]; also, cousin of Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Ernest Totman [b1887], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895], Edward John Totman [b1897] and Clifford Totman [b1892]. Home: 7 Boxford Terrace, Sudbury, Suffolk (1911), 128 Wherstead Road, Ipswich, Suffolk (1921), 120 Nacton Road, Ipswich (1939). Occupation: Leather Legging Laster (1921 to 1939). Married: Phyllis Brown in 1924. Service Record: Frederick enlisted on 20.10.1914 as Pte.265221 with 1/4th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, transferring as Pte.235334 firstly to 1/7th Battalion, Duke of Cambridge’s Own [Middlesex Regiment], then to 16th [Service] Battalion, Middlesex as part of 86th Brigade, 29th Division. All units mentioned saw action in France, and it may have been during the Battle of the Lys in April 1918 that Private Totman received his injuries. On 30.7.1918 he was issued with a Silver War Badge and discharged being unfit for further war service.[28] Died: Ipswich, Suffolk on 2.6.1973.[29]
Totman, George Bernard – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 16.1.1893.[30] Parents: Alfred Totman (Beer House Keeper) and Ellen Maria [née Elliston]. Family Connections: Brother to Alfred Bertie Totman [b1890]. Home: White Horse Inn, 14 Rotten Row, Southgate Street, Long Melford (1901 and 1939), 158 Bures Road, Great Cornard, Suffolk [1982]. Occupation: Baker (1911), Police Constable [1918], Publican and First Police Reserve (1939). Married: Florence Edith Miller in 1919. Service Record: George was conscripted on 9.6.1918 as Pte.1499 with the Grenadier Guards, transferring as Pte.34807 to 5th [Reserve] Battalion, Grenadier Guards and receiving his discharge in 1920.[31] Died: Sudbury, Suffolk on 9.3.1982.[32]
Totman, Leonard Frederick – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 30.6.1926.[33] Parents: Frederick Totman (Foundry Labourer) [see detail above] and Lily Maud [née Smith]. Family Connections: Nephew of Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1882], Ernest Totman [b1886], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895] and Edward John Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Basil Walter Totman [b1916]. Home: St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1939), 153 Cordell Road, Long Melford [2001]. Married: Betty Darlington in 1948. Service Record: Leonard was a member of ‘H’ Company, 10th Battalion, Suffolk Home Guard when it was formed in August 1942. His name is recorded in the official tribute to the organization entitled The Lion Roared his Defiance, photographed in and around Long Melford in 1944.[34] Died: Sudbury, Suffolk on 1.5.2001.[35]
Totman, Sidney Harry – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 6.5.1879.[36] Parents: Edward Totman (Iron Moulder) and Eliza [née Mattock]. Family Connections: Brother to Arthur William Totman [b1882], Ernest Totman [b1886], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892], Walter Totman [b1895] and Edward John Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Clifford Totman [b1892], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900]. Home: Swan Lane, Long Melford (1881 and 1891), Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), St Catherines Road, Long Melford (1911), Hall Street, Long Melford [1916], 65 Melford Road, Sudbury, Suffolk (1921 to 1939), 21 Queens Road, Sudbury [1962]. Occupation: Farrier (1901) Iron Moulder for Ward and Silver of Long Melford [1901 to 1910], Commission Agent (1911), Furnace Man and Iron Moulder for Dupont and Orttewell, Agricultural Implement Makers of Sudbury [1916], Purveyor of Groceries (1939). Married: Alice Edith Moss in 1901. Service Record: At the Sudbury Military Service Tribunal in July 1916, Sidney was granted three months exemption, agreeing to join the Volunteer Training Corps. In November this was made conditional. For a fuller picture of the proceedings see the service record of his brother Frederick Totman [b1889] above.[37] It is unclear if Sidney was ever conscripted as no definitive military record has been found. Died: Sudbury, Suffolk on 3.1.1962.[38]
Totman, Walter – Born: Long Melford, Suffolk on 6.4.1895.[39] Parents: Edward Totman (Iron Moulder) and Eliza [née Mattock]. Family Connections: Brother to Sidney Harry Totman [b1879], Arthur William Totman [b1881], Ernest Totman [b1887], Frederick Totman [b1889], Albert Totman [b1892] and Edward John Totman [b1897]; also, cousin of Clifford Totman [b1892], Frederick Totman [b1898] and Bertie Totman [b1900]. Home: Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), Servant to William Evans at 81/83 Buckingham Palace Road, London (1911), 95A Tappesfield Road, Peckham, London (1939), 6 Rosenthorpe Road, Peckham [1950]. Occupation: Hotel Barman (1911), Electric Tram Driver (1921 to 1939). Married: Gertrude Amelia Dale in 1917. Service Record: Walter enlisted on 27.8.1913 as Dvr.13689 with II Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, posted to France on 11.9.1914 as part of 6th Division and seeing action during the Somme Offensive of 1916.[40] On 12.2.1917 while serving near Ypres, Driver Totman received severe shrapnel wounds to his left foot, legs, and thigh. He was transferred as Dvr.73689 to V ‘C’ Reserve Brigade, RFA, issued with a Silver War Badge and discharged on 5.4.1917. According to the local press he was still receiving treatment at No. 4 Northern General Hospital in Lincoln over a month later.[41] Died: Lambeth, London on 10.10.1950.[42]
Totman, William Charles – Born: Sudbury, Suffolk in 1923. Parents: James Totman (Butcher) and Mary [née Cook]. Family Connections: Nephew of Clifford Totman [b1892]. Home: 63 Waldingfield Road, Sudbury (1921), I Newman Road, Sudbury (1939), The Stores, The Street, Stanstead, Suffolk [1967]. Married: Joan Ireland in 1959. Service Record: William was a member of ‘H’ Company, 10th Battalion, Suffolk Home Guard when it was formed in August 1942. His name is recorded in the official tribute to the organization entitled The Lion Roared his Defiance, photographed in and around Long Melford in 1944.[43] Died: Stanstead, Suffolk on 18.11.1967.[44]
Notes – [1] Date of birth from Admission Register 25.11.1895, St Catherine’s Infants School, Long Melford. [2] Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363]. [3] 1939 Register. [4] Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923 [ref: 11/M/142728]. [5] Baptism Register 4.12.1881, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford. The 1939 Register for Samford Rural District in Suffolk records his birth year incorrectly as 1882. [6] Militia Service Records 1806-1915 [WO 96]. [7] Date of birth from his POW record. [8] [WO 344: Directorate of Military Intelligence: Liberated Prisoner of War Interrogation Questionnaires, 1945-1946]. For the location of AKO 3732 see [9] Date of birth from Death Index. [10] Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363]. [11] National Probate Calendar. [12] Date of birth from Admission Register for July 1901 St Peter’s School for Boys, Sudbury. His POW record, however, gives his birth year as 1894. [13] For details of 21st and 12/13th Northumberland Fusiliers movements see War Diaries respectively [WO 95/2462/5] and WO 95/2155/3]. See also his Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [14] International Committee of the Red Cross [ref: PA.31301 & PA.34092]. [15] Date of birth from Admission Register 2.7.1900, St Catherine’s Infants School, Long Melford. [16] For Training Corps articles see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 20.3.1915 and 29.12.1915. [17] For details of 1/4th Suffolk’s movements see War Diary [WO 95/2427/2] and for more information on the action where Edward fell see Lieutenant-Colonel C.C.R. Murphy, The History of the Suffolk Regiment 1914-1927 [London: Hutchinson and Co, 1928], p.194. See also his Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [18] For notification of him being missing in action see SEFP 4.4.1917. [19] Commonwealth War Graves Commission record and British Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 file [ref: 515582]. [20] Baptism Register 5.6.1887, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford. The 1939 Register gives his birth date as 15.4.1886. [21] For the Tribunal’s rulings see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 28.6.1916, 5.7.1916, 4.10.1916 and 10.1.1917. [22] Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363]. [23] National Probate Calendar. [24] Baptism Register 16.5.1889, St Catherines Mission Church, Long Melford. [25] For the Tribunal’s rulings see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 5.7.1916, 8.11.1916, 6.2.1918 and 10.4.1918. [26] National Probate Calendar. [27] 1939 Register. [28] [WO 329 – Silver War Badge ref: 381694], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329], Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372] and Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923 [ref: 11/M/358719]. [29] National Probate Calendar. [30] Baptism Register 2.4.1893, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford in the name of George Burnet Totman [sic]. [31] Soldiers’ Documents and Pension Claims, First World War [WO 364]. [32] National Probate Calendar. [33] Date of birth from his Death record. [34] Published by Marten & Son, Ltd., of Market Hill, Sudbury, Suffolk in 1946. [35] National Probate Calendar. [36] Baptism Register 6.7.1879, Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford as Harry Sidney Totman. [37] For the Tribunal’s rulings see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 5.7.1916 and 8.11.1916. [38] National Probate Calendar. See also Funeral Notice in Suffolk and Essex Free Press 11.1.1962. [39] Baptism Register 19.11.1896, St Catherines Mission Church, Long Melford and the 1939 Register for Camberwell District, London. [40] For details of 2nd Brigade RFA’s movements see War Diary [WO 95/1596/5]. [41] For more details of his hospitalization see Suffolk and Essex Free Press 10.5.1917. See also his Service Medal and Award Rolls, First World War, Silver War Badge [WO 329] record [ref: 165429], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [42] National Probate Calendar. [43] Published by Marten & Son, op. cit. [44] National Probate Calendar.
Genealogical Tables