Selected Biographies
Twitchett, Alexander Bert – Born: Alpheton, Suffolk on 24.5.1892.[1] Parents: John Thomas Twitchett (Landlord of the Anchor Inn, Lavenham) and Hannah Catherine [née Reeman]. Family Connections: Brother to John William Twitchett [b1893] and cousin of Arnold Maurice Twitchett [b1887]. Home: Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901),[2] Anchor Inn, 27 Prentice Street, Lavenham, Suffolk (1911), Prospect View, The Common, Lavenham [1917]. Occupation: Barman (1911). Married: Ethel Mann in 1915. Service Record: Alexander was attested as Pte. SPTS/5463 with 11th [Service] Battalion [1st Public Schools], Royal Fusiliers [City of London] Regiment, and posted to France as part of 54th Brigade, 18th [Eastern] Division. On 17.2.1917 the Battalion took part in a raid on ‘Miraumont’ trench, taking particularly heavy casualties. It was probably in this action, part of the Operations on the Ancre, that Private Twitchett sustained his injuries.[3] Died: He died from his wounds on 24.2.1917 and is buried in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery [grave ref: VIII.B.174], Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France and commemorated on the Lavenham War Memorial.[4]
Twitchett, Arnold Maurice – Born: Thorpe Morieux, Suffolk in 1887. Parents: Henry Albon Twitchett of Lavenham (Farmer) and Alice [née Salvage] of Long Melford. Family Connections: Cousin of Alexander Bert Twitchett [b1892] and John William Twitchett [b1893]. Home: Bowers Farm, Milden, Suffolk (1891), Rose and Crown Inn, Chappel, Essex (1901), Normans Farm, Wakes Colne, Essex (1911), Fishpits Farm, Bures Hamlet, Essex [1918]. Occupation: Gardener (1911). Service Record: Arnold was conscripted in 1917 as Pte.24940 joining 8th [Service] Battalion, Suffolk Regiment on the Western Front as part of 53rd Brigade, 18th [Eastern] Division. Probably at the time of his battalion’s disbandment in February 1918 he was transferred to 2nd Battalion, under the command of 3rd Division’s 76th Brigade.[5] Died: He died from his wounds on 5.8.1918 at 54th Casualty Clearing Station and is buried in Aire Communal Cemetery [grave ref: III.J.29], Pas de Calais, France and commemorated on the war memorial at Bures St Mary, Suffolk.[6]
Twitchett, George – Born: Acton, Suffolk in 1890. Parents: James Twitchett (Agricultural Labourer) and Harriet [née Mann]. Family Connections: Brother to James Twitchett [b1884]. Home: Green Lane, Acton (1891 to 1901), Primrose Lane, Acton (1911). Occupation: Agricultural Labourer (1911). Service Record: George enlisted as Pte.1413 with 1/5th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, being posted to Gallipoli on 15.8.1915 as part of 153rd Brigade, 54th [East Anglian] Division. Within hours of landing his unit was moved forward into frontline trenches on the south face of a steep and rocky hill called Karakol Dagh. At dawn two days later the Suffolks and the three other untested battalions of 153rd Brigade were ordered to secure the heights to the east. Advancing nearly a mile through a hail of Turkish artillery and machine gun fire, by the end of the day the enemy had been held at bay and a secure forward defence line established. When George and his comrades were finally relieved by fresh troops after three gruelling days, they were found in a sorry state, having baked under the searing heat they had run desperately short of drinking water and been plagued by swarms of flies attracted by the dead and dying around them. When the Roll was called it was found the Suffolks alone had lost 186 men either dead or wounded with a further 150 laid low by dysentery.[7] Died: George’s death is recorded as 21.8.1915 and he is commemorated on the Hellas Memorial [panel 46 and 47], Gallipoli, Turkey and the memorial plaque in All Saints Church at Acton in Suffolk.[8]
Twitchett, James – Born: Acton, Suffolk on 16.12.1884.[9] Parents: James Twitchett (Agricultural Labourer) and Harriet [née Mann]. Family Connections: Brother to George Twitchett [b1890]. Home: Green Lane, Acton (1891), Primrose Lane, Acton (1911), 89 Latimer Road, Hammersmith, Middlesex (1921 to 1939). Occupation: Agricultural Labourer (1901), Horseman on Farm (1911), Shopkeeper (1921 to 1939). Married: Alice Snell in 1909. Service Record: James enlisted in 1903 as Pte.6470 with 1st Battalion, Suffolk Regiment posted to Madras in 1905 before purchasing his release the following year. He was mobilised on 5.8.1914 and by December was serving in France with 2nd Battalion as part of 8th Brigade, 3rd Division, seeing action in 1915 at Bellewaarde and at Hooge before returning to England in April 1916 and receiving his discharge having completed his terms of service.[10] Died: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk in 1969.
Twitchett, John William – Born: Alpheton, Suffolk on 11.10.1893.[11] Parents: John Thomas Twitchett (Landlord of the Anchor Inn, Lavenham) and Hannah Catherine [née Reeman]. Family Connections: Brother to Alexander Bert Twitchett [b1892] and cousin of Arnold Maurice Twitchett [b1887]. Home: Liston Lane, Long Melford (1901), The Anchor Inn, 27 Prentice Street, Lavenham, Suffolk (1911), Morris Farm, Great Waldingfield, Suffolk [1938]. Occupation: Stockman (1911). Service Record: John was conscripted on 13.12.1915 as Pte.2765 with 22nd [Service] Battalion, Royal Fusiliers [City of London] Regiment, transferring on 14.9.1916 as Pte. G/18277 to 11th [Service] Battalion, The Queen’s Own [Royal West Kent] Regiment, part of 122nd Brigade, 41st Division. He was twice wounded in action; on 14.10.1916 during the Somme Offensive by a gunshot wound to his face and arm, and on 4.8.1917 by a gunshot wound to his left hand. He was transferred on 25.7.1918 as Pte.554413 to 691st Agricultural Company, Labour Corps and discharged in March 1919.[12] Died: St Leonard’s Hospital, Sudbury, Suffolk on 21.5.1938 following a cycling accident near Lavenham Church three days earlier.[13]
Twitchett, William George – Born: Beckenham, Kent on 1.3.1892.[14] Parents: James Twitchett of Long Melford (Cab Proprietor) and Louisa [née Tee]. Family Connections: Brother-in-law of Oliver Morley [b1889] and Mark Ratcliffe [b1891]. Home: 61 Blegborough Road, Streatham (1901), 383 High Road, Streatham, London (1911), 44 Alice Street, Newport, Monmouthshire, Wales (1921), Oakhyrst Grange Garage, Stanstead Street, Caterham, Surrey (1939). Occupation: Stableman (1911), Motor Merchant (1921), Chauffeur Mechanic (1939). Married: Rose Mary Daniels in 1912 and Rosina Coates in 1924. Service Record: William enlisted as Pte.M2/082757 with the Mechanised Transport Section of the Army Service Corps, being posted to France on 10.9.1915. He was later promoted to Acting Sergeant, receiving his discharge in August 1919.[15] Died: Greenwich, London in 1974.
Related Biographies
Morley, Oliver – Born: Bletchingly, Surrey on 3.3.1889.[16] Parents: John Morley (Gamekeeper) and Sarah Anne [née Huggett]. Family Connections: Brother-in-law of William George Twitchett [b1892]. Home: Barfields, 2 Brewer Street, Bletchingley, Surrey (1891 to 1911), 2A Westcote Road, Mitcham Lane, Streatham, London [1915]. Occupation: House Painter (1911). Married: Louisa Annie Twitchett in 1912. Service Record: Oliver enlisted as Pte. G/4250 with 1st Battalion, Queen’s [Royal West Surrey Regiment] and was posted to the France on 14.4.1915 as part of 5th Brigade, 2nd Division seeing action at the Battles of Festubert in May and Loos in September. On 15.12.1915 his battalion was transferred to 33rd Division under the command of 100th Brigade recently arrived from England.[17] Died: Killed in action on 15.3.1916 and buried in Cambrin Churchyard Extension [grave ref: J. 61], Cambrin, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France and commemorated on the War Memorial in Bletchingly.[18]
Ratcliffe, Mark – Born: Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey on 15.11.1891.[19] Parents: Frederick Ratcliffe (Clerk of Works) and Caroline [née Beaney]. Family Connections: Brother-in-law of William George Twitchett [b1892]. Home: 40 Sellincourt Road, Tooting, London (1911), 132 Mellison Road, Tooting [1918 to 1946]. Occupation: Motor Engineer (1911), Cable Layer (1939). Married: Minnie Harriet Twitchett in 1829. Service Record: Mark enlisted as Pte.18079 with 12th [Service] Battalion, East Surrey Regiment, and later 13th and 8th Battalions, all of which saw action on the Western Front during the First World War.[20] Died: St James Hospital, Balham, London on 6.6.1946.[21]
Notes – [1] Date of birth from Admission Register 25.11.1885, St Catherines Infants School, Long Melford. [2] Recorded as Bert Twitchett on UK Census for 1901. [3] The prefix SPTS to Private Twitchett’s service number may indicate that he was originally assigned to one the Regiment’s Sportsmen’s Battalions. For details of 11th Royal Fusiliers movements February 1917 see War Diary [WO 95/2045/1]. See also his Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [4] Commonwealth War Graves Commission record and British Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 file [ref: 470794]. [5] Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923 [ref: 11/D/68397], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. His Medal Roll is wrongly ascribed to Arnold Matthew Twitchett. [6] Commonwealth War Graves Commission record and British Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 file [ref: 470794]. [7] Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [8] Commonwealth War Graves Commission record. [9] 1939 Register. [10] Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [11] Date of birth from Admission Register 19.10.1896, St Catherines Infants School, Long Melford. [12] For details of the actions where Private Twitchett was injured see 11th Royal West Kent’s War Diary [WO 95/2634/4]. See also his Soldiers’ Documents, First World War ‘Burnt Documents’ [WO 363], which gives his unit as the Royal Fusiliers, whereas his Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372] both give his unit as Royal Welsh Fusiliers. [13] Bury Free Press 28.5.1938. [14] 1939 Register. [15] Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329] and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [16] Baptism Register 31.3.1889 St Marys Church, Bletchingly, Surrey. [17] Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923 [ref: 11/APW/1951], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329], and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [18] Commonwealth War Grave Commission record and British Army Registers of Soldiers’ Effects, 1901-1929 [ref: 272863]. [19] 1939 Register. [20] Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923 [ref: 11/M/86717], Service Medal and Award Rolls 1914-1918 [WO 329], and Service Medal and Award Rolls Index Cards 1914-1922 [WO 372]. [21] National Probate Calendar.
Genealogical Tables